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Order tickets

Buy your tickets for the Afrika Festival Hertme 2025 here!

The Afrika Festival Hertme takes place on 5 & 6 July 2025

Regularr (as of 1 JanuarY 2025)

Adult day ticket

€ 42,00
Adult passepartout pass

€ 74,00
Child's  day ticket

€ 7,50
Child's passepartout pass

€ 15,00

  1. Early Bird tickets are available from 21 November to 31 December unless sold out earlier.
  2. Passepartouts allow one (1) person access to the festival grounds on Saturday 5 July and Sunday 6 July 2025. A pass is not intended to allow two different people access on different days.
  3. Children's tickets are valid for children aged 4 to 14. Children under the age of 4 are admitted free when accompanied by an adult with a valid ticket.
  4. Passepartouts are only available online, not at the gate on the festival site.
    Tickets are non-returnable.
  5. Tickets are non-returnable. It is possible to purchase a Ticketgarantie ticket guarantee.

For festival news and cool promotions, keep an eye on our social channels!

Afrika Festival Hertme - Instagram
Afrika Festival Hertme - Facebook

If you have any problems in ordering tickets, please contact Your Ticket Provider (click). They can also be reached by email: (please include your REF-number, which can be found on your bank statement) or send a Whatsapp message to 06 16396695 (on weekdays from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.).
