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  • Bags, prams and carpets

Not allowed

  • Cans and glass
  • Bringing your own alcoholic drinks onto the pitch
  • (Folding) chairs or other inconvenient items on the stands.
  • Umbrella's on stands and canopies
  • Drugs and prohibited substances, use of laughing gas
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Dogs and other pets (except assistance animals)
  • Professional use of photographic and film equipment

Other house rules

  • Use the premises clean, use the litter bins
  • Cooperate with inspection upon request.
  • No flash photography or filming
  • No alcohol for visitors under 18.
  • The stand is smoke free, including under the canopy. There are designated smoking areas on site.
  • Ensure adequate flow on the stands. (Folding) chairs and other obstructions are not allowed on the stands. 
  • By entering the grounds, visitors give permission for video, photographic and sound recordings to be made in which they may appear.
  • Entry is at your own risk. The directions of staff and security must be obeyed at all times
  • Failure to comply with the house rules will result in irrevocable denial of access to the festival site.