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Looking back: the musical heritage of ancient Mali (lecture 9 June)

On the afternoon of Sunday 9 June, our programmer Rob Lokin gave a talk on the musical heritage of the ancient kingdom of Mali. By popular demand, we recorded the talk. The recording is now available in full on YouTube. A nice introduction to next weekend's festival, which will feature no fewer than 5 groups from Mali!

Mali's history dates back to the 13th and 14th centuries. A society arose that flourished for two hundred years and then declined. Musicians were important in telling the story in song and singing the praises of the people. It was during this period that a form of music developed that has survived to the present day and has left its mark on contemporary music. Knowledge of Mali's history is important to understand and appreciate contemporary music.

Rob Lokin takes you back to those times, centuries ago, with images, sounds and stories, as well as to Mali today, where he has travelled many times. During his last trip to Mali in 2017, he visits the 'Festival sur le Niger' in Segou and also the village of Kela, near the border with Guinea, in the heart of old Mali, where many musicians live. He meets many old acquaintances who once played in Hertme.

Rob Lokin worked as a tropical doctor in Africa from 1976-1980, travelled there extensively and has been the programmer of the Afrika Festival in Hertme since 1991.
