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Les Amazones d'Afrique - Mali, Benin, DR Congo

Les Amazones d'Afrique is a female collective founded 10 years ago in Mali by, among others, singer Mamani Keïta along with many famous singers including Oumou Sangaré and Angelique Kidjo. Their name refers to the famous army of pre-colonial Dahomey made up entirely of women. The collective fiercely defends freedom of expression for women, women's rights in general, opposes violence against women, mutilating excision in young girls, forced marriage. They argue that in marriage, women are usually enslaved. The collective has gone through many developments over the past 10 years. Singers came and went, many having solo careers of their own. The singers who now belong to the group are marking its 10th anniversary with a new album with performances in Africa and a tour in Europe. "Women are suffocating; we want them to be able to breathe". Three singers are coming to Hertme, founder Mamani Keita from Mali, Fafa Ruffino from Benin and Alvie Bitemo from Congo.

Assitan ‘Mamani’ Keita, vocals
Alvie Bitemo, vocals
Fafa Ruffino, vocals
Franck Baya, drums
Manu Chavanet, keyboard
Nadjib Ben Bella, DJ/turntables

Photo: Karen Paulina Biswell