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Alostmen & Wanlov The Kubolor - Ghana

Alostmen is a boisterous neo-traditional band made up of musicians from different Ghanaian ethnic groups. They use their instruments in new ways. Central is the kologo, a two-stringed lute and ancestor of the banjo, played by Frafra neo-griot and kologo master Stevo Atambire. His voice, music and messages have made him wildly popular among his people. Second group member Wanlov de Kubolor is an outspoken cultural icon with Akan roots. He plays several instruments, but his main ones are called koshkas, two maracas on a string. He also raps and sings. Abednego Sowah Ako is a Ga master drummer from La, a coastal fishing town. He plays the bass-like gome drum, kpanlogo and sings Ga folk tunes. Aminu Amadu, finally, is a dondo (talking drum) master of Hausa heritage. He can sound any melody on his instrument and is a human metronome. He has mastered the polyrhythms & grooves of West Africa. Together, they represent infectious dance music. Alostmen comes from "a lost man" for a reason, someone who is not easy to reach because he is always on the move.

Stevo Atambire, kologo, lead vocals
Wanlov the Kubolor, koshkas, acoustic guitar, vocals
Abednego Sowah Ako, gome-drum, kpanlogo, vocals
Aminu Amadu, dondo
